Quest:The Road to Emyn Lûm

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The Road to Emyn Lûm
Level 63
Type Solo
Starts with Athradnir
Starts at The Haunted Inn
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [13.3S, 56.1W]
Ends with Fuirgam
Ends at Ost Galadh
End Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [14.5S, 51.3W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We have split into many factions in order to organize our assault on Dol Guldur. While we feel that this is the best way to plan our offence, we worry very much during those periods in which we hear nothing from our kindred while they establish their footing.

'It is not safe to send scouts out until we hear from the advancing party, so we wait. If you are going to Emyn Lûm, will you keep an eye out for the host that marched thence? They will welcome your presence gladly, for we are stretched in every direction.

'Emyn Lûm is a dangerous wilderness to the east of here, closer to Dol Guldur. You should seek Fuirgam, for he is a commander of that faction. Be wary, <name>; keep your wits about you! We do not know what evils lie yonder.'


Athradnir is anxious to hear what has become of the Malledhrim host who marched east to Emyn Lûm, for the closer the Elves draw to Dol Guldur, the more perilous the journey becomes.

Objective 1

Fuirgam should be among the Malledhrim at their stronghold in Emyn Lûm.

You should seek Fuirgam and establish a line of communication between the Elves of Emyn Lûm and the Dourstocks.

Athradnir: 'Fuirgam is a commander among the host that marched east to Emyn Lûm -- you should speak with him first.'
Fuirgam: 'Mae govannen! How fare my kin in the Dourstocks? I am glad you have come -- I was anxious for word from Athradnir. Now that we have established a line of communication, there will be but one more small burden lifted from my shoulders.
'There is much to be done between marches, as I am sure you can understand. Will you be staying with us for a while?'